01/25 Check out the article on Seeing Beyond the Blur with Generative AI written by Berthy Feng and Katie Bouman in the ACM’s XRDS Magazine.
05/24 Congratulations to Ray Wu for winning the Thomas A. Tisch Prize for Graduate Teaching in CMS!
04/24 A new paper, out in Nature Astronomy, reconstructs the 3D strcuture of a flare around Sagittarius A*! Check out the Caltech news release and project page.
02/24 Katie wins a 2024 Sloan Research Fellowship! Check out the Caltech news release.
01/24 A new image of the M87 black hole confirms its persistent shadow. Read about it in Caltech news!
10/23 Berthy Feng is co-organizing the Quo Vadis, Computer Vision? workshop at ICCV 2023.
07/23 Aviad Levis has been appointed as an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, starting in the summer of 2024. Congratulations, Aviad!
06/23 Angela Gao receives the Caltech EAS New Horizons Award. Congratulations, Angela!
11/22 Read about the new computational algorithms we are developing for black hole imaging in SIAM News November issue.
06/22 Check out the CVPR tutorial “Computational Imaging for Science: From Cells to Galaxies” on June 19, co-organized by Aviad Levis.
06/22 Our work BH-NeRF is featured in the latest Caltech EAS Tech Brief: Bringing a New Dimension into Black Hole Imaging
05/22 The first image of the Milky Way’s black hole has been released! Check out Caltech’s press release and this webpage for more info.
08/22 Caltech is hosing the International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) this year on August 1-3! Check out the following link for information on how to attend and submit your work: https://iccp2022.iccp-conference.org/.
05/22 alpha-Deep Probabilistic Inference (alpha-DPI): efficient uncertainty quantification from exoplanet astrometry to black hole feature extraction accepted for publication in ApJ. Check out the arXiv preprint.
04/22 Deep Radio Interferometric Imaging with POLISH: DSA-2000 and weak lensing accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journal. Check out the arXiv preprint.
03/22 Gravitationally Lensed Black Hole Emission Tomography accepted to CVPR 2022. Check out the website containing the paper, code, and a video explanation.
03/22 Visual Vibration Tomography accepted to CVPR 2022 as an Oral. Check out the website containing the paper and a video explanation.
10/21 Prof. Bouman awarded the Royal Photographic Society Progress Model
10/21 End-to-End Sequential Sampling and Reconstruction for MR Imaging awarded Best Paper at ML4H Conference 2021. Check out the website containing the paper, code, and a video explanation.
09/21 DeepGEM: Generalized Expectation-Maximization for Blind Inversion accepted fro publication at NeurIPS 2021.
07/21 Inference of Black Hole Fluid-Dynamics from Sparse Interferometric Measurements accepted for publication at ICCV 2021. Check out the website containing the paper, code, and a video explanation.
07/21 Measurement-Robust Control Barrier Functions: Certainty in Safety with Uncertainty in State accepted for publication at IROS 2021. [Paper]
07/21 Event Horizon Telescope observations of the jet launching and collimation in Centaurus A accepted for publication in Nature Astronomy. [Paper]
03/21 New Event Horizon Telescope results published of the polarization of light surrounding the M87 black hole, revealing information about how magnetic fields behave around black holes. [Caltech News]
01/21 Prof. Bouman awarded an NSF CAREER Award! [Abstract]
12/20 Deep Probabilistic Imaging: Uncertainty Quantification and Multi-modal Solution Characterization for Computational Imaging accepted for publication at AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. [arXiv]
11/20 Prof. Bouman awarded a 2019-2020 Caltech faculty teaching award! The award is given to two faculty members each year by the Graduate Student Council. Article about the new course.
09/20 Aviad Levis awarded a Viterbi Postdoctoral Fellowship!
06/20 Organizing CVPR 2020’s Computational Cameras and Displays Workshop (CCD). [Website]
04/20 Learning a Probabilistic Strategy for Computational Imaging Sensor Selection published at ICCP. [Project Website]
04/20 Event Horizon Telescope imaging of the archetypal blazar 3C 279 at an extreme 20 microarcsecond resolution published in Astronomy & Astrophysics. [Paper]
09/20 Zihui (Ray) Wu will be joining the group with a Kortschak Fellowship! Congratulations Ray!
04/20 Berthy Feng is awarded an NSF Graduate Fellowship and Aviad Levis is awarded a Zuckerman Postdoctoral Fellowship! Congratulations Berthy and Aviad!
01/20 Prof. Bouman is awarded the 2020 Electronic Imaging Scientist of the Year Award. [Announcement]
01/20 Aviad Levis joins the group at Caltech!
11/19 The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration Wins the 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics! [Article]
10/19 Berthy Feng, Angela Gao, and He Sun join the group!