Katherine (Katie) L. Bouman
Assistant Professor
Berthy Feng
PhD Student
Angela Gao
PhD Student
Zihui (Ray) Wu
PhD Student
Brandon Zhao
PhD Student
Bingliang Zhang
PhD Student
Frederic Wang
PhD Student
Aviad Levis
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Oscar Leong
Assistant Professor, UCLA
Yu Sun
Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University
Heri Rajaoberison
MS Alum
Nitika Yadlapalli Yurk
NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow at JPL
He Sun
Assistant Professor, Peking University
Want to get involved?
Prospective Graduate Students: Please apply to a CMS Caltech graduate program. Due to the volume of applicants, please list Katie as a preferred adviser.
Postdoc Candidates: Please email Katie (klbouman@caltech.edu) your resume and three most significant publications. Strong candidates have published in either signal processing, machine learning, computer vision, or optics.